5 signs that tell you that your marriage is on the verge of getting over


Taking divorce has never ever been plain sailing. It takes lot of your mental stress, complicated situations and chaotic scenario in one’s life. Those who have been divorced in past are well versed in dealing with this difficult situation. It breaks heart, homes and families and create uneasy situation.  But it is better to pass the phase badly then to lead an unhappy life throughout your life.

There are people who still think over whether it was a right decision to get a divorce. So, we are here with some advice from psychosexual and relationship therapist Christine Rafe of good vibes clinic to help you decide whether your marriage life is facing the ending time of your relationship. Go through the 5 signs that show that marriage is doomed.

You do not share a friendship bond now

Friendship is very important when it comes to any relationship. It is the first step of your relationship and ultimate decider of your successful marriage. Friendship might not fully work to keep the marriage Intact because other factors like physical intimacy also strengthen your bond with partner.

According to Christine “the diminished friendship is first notice through lack of physical and sexual intimacy and can be mistaken for desire of each other.” She further added saying “the reality that people do not feel desire to be vulnerable or intimate with the person who is unkind or unfair to them “

Your arguments have become frequent

Arguing on petty matters takes away life from any relationship. There are some common problems on which arguments are done like finance, children, parenting and so on.

Relationships are meant for working together for a problem to find a solution. Approaching or dealing with any issue like “I know best” will surely take you in a problem.

Research completed by Julie Gottman and Dr. John shows that about 70% of arguments in a marriage are perpetual problems that have less chance to be solved.

You chose to be anywhere else

If you kind of ignore your partner and choses to be working late night then to stay with your partner then it is a sign of a relationship breakdown.

In a marriage it is important to take time for yourself but to find excuses to not spend time with your partner is not a good sign it clearly shows that you do not value your partner now.

You both want different things

We all know that opposite attract but it is also the fact that basic goals and values should match otherwise it becomes a concern.

It is important to understand your partner’s relationship goals and value for the future since it tells about your bond in future. Some compromise is easy in marriage but you should not compromise with fundamental values.

Unfaithful behavior of your partner

Having an affair does not always result in the end of marriage. It indicates that some issues are serious within your marriage.

Though it is a popular belief but affairs are not always the outcome of sexless marriage. All the above problems like lack of friendship, communication can be the reason.

A recent research of Neuroscience has identified that it is the basic need to connect with people same as we need basic necessity of food. A lack of basic communication can make your relationship doomed.

These were the 5 signs that may help you in determining whether your relationship is moving towards infidelity or not. Do not forget that talking to your partner, taking their advice in profession can help to deal with the relationship breakdown.

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